Lunchtable! by Darrell M. Stark

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Previous comic Wednesday, February 16, 2005


As many of you know, since the beginning of my senior year at Absegami I've been drawing a comic called Common Sense for its school newspaper. I've been working so intently on that for the longest time. It's enjoyable. It's fun. And most of all, I actually hang out and talk to the people I write about. That's the main reason LT! has been on hold; It's extremely hard to write about people I don't see. But, entirely stopping LT! would be the easy way out, and I'm not gonna go for that.
So, I'm putting LT! on hold until I get this play I'm in at school over with. On Monday, March 14th, LT! will be back for a limited time. I plan to at least finish the story that I started a few months ago, Chronologically Impaired, and then we'll see where it goes. In the mean time, if you'd still like to get a Darrell M. Stark fix, follow me over to Common Sense. I've been posting things up there on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for a little while, and will until I run out of ideas.
In fact, stick around over there. I'm working on a comic book that (if everything works out) will be published in time for the last two weeks of the school year.
So, there it is; my comic situation. I'd love to have ya'll follow me over there if you're willing to put up with my randomness and semi-stable comic posting schedule.
Won't you join me?

-Darrell M.

Hosted on Comicgenesis

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 JAN   February 2005   

Artist Guy!

Thursday, November 11th, 2004

Ladies and gentlemen, and fans of Lunchtable!,

It is I, Artist Guy. I知 proud to report that for some strange reason, I知 back from the dead to resume my cartooning. It痴 been a rough ride these last couple months, full of new schooling, lots of work, my entry into the "recently becoming of age" category on my 18th birthday on October 2nd, sickness a couple times and just plain laziness for the last 4 weeks. I知 happy to report that new material will begin showing up on the site next week...

The way this is going to work is thusly; I知 going to go into the archives and retroactively post my comic into the past (ie; the next comic is dated for the 27th of September, I believe)... The main reason I知 doing this is so I can, after this current story is over, post a few comics that should have gone up on certain dates (a comic for my birthday (October 2nd), a comic for the second annual Ikea Day, which I totally forgot about (October 27th, see HERE if you have no idea what I知 talking about), and a comic for election day (November 2nd), among others...). I知 going to put them in the archives and post a link to them on the main site. For the time being, I知 going to aim for a comic a week while I build a buffer for myself. These comics'll be posted every Friday, starting next week.

That won稚 be the only update however; I知 going start posting sketches and stuff in on Mondays and possibly Wednesdays for the next couple weeks. When these updates come up, you値l see sketches I drew when I got bored in school, the monthly comic I知 drawing for my school痴 newspaper, Common Sense, and other such things like fan art and whatever else I haven稚 covered.

I知 sorry it痴 taken me so long to get my act together. I hope to be able to get back to a normal schedule soon. Thanks so much for supporting me and for holding out during my absence. I値l see you all next Monday.

-Darrell M.
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Lunchtable! ゥ2002-2004 Darrell M. Stark. All rights reserved.